Inspiration - The “Korona” Belt

Greek traditional belt from Thrace called Korona was the inspiration for a number of Ariadne’s designs.

Many years ago I saw this beautiful belt from Thrace and I loved it. It was such an unusual shape for a traditional belt, it looked like a tree to me - a tree of life.

I was totally fascinated by it and I experimented a lot with its shape. Nothing really came out from those first experimentations.

Fast forward to March 2020 - the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic - when I found myself with no job and plenty of time to draw, I decided to work on this unusual design again. This time the inspiration was just flowing!

And it was no coincidence.. because the name of this belt is.. Korona (=crown in Greek)!
What are the odds, right?

The Greek traditional belt from Thrace called Korona shown in book along with a number of Ariadne Kritonos' sketches and designs.
InspirationAriadne Kritonos